EVENTS OF SPRING Johnson urges graduates to set long-range goals "For your mind is like a field and you reap what you think," Wallace E. Johnson, vice·chariman and co-founder of Holiday Inns, Inc. told 325 graduates during June 4 commencement exercises. Wallace, recipient of numerous citations for his endeavors in Christian service, told Harding's largest graduating cIass the importance of having goals and sticking to them. "We have discovered everything in the world but ourselves. We need to understand ourselves and have goa ls. We need a purpose in our lives, in our schools, and in our nation." Wallace was awarded the honorary doctor's degree. Billy Ray Cox de livered the baccalaureate address. WAllACE JOHNSON testifies of the significant role goal-setting has played in his life. A SEARCHING smile, a handshake and a diploma impart incentive to Readus Tatum. 74