,. I f SMILING maids Sherry Tatum and Mary Welch greet onlookers during May Day ceremonies. EVENTS OF SPRING May fete livened by joint forces of nature, girls A throng of people, including nearly 500 from 15 states, watched breathlessly as President Ganus stepped forward to present Beth Underwood of Searcy with a crown of flowers and proclaim her Queen of May. Princesses Sherry Tatum and Mary Welch attended her, accompanied by 22 women representing the social clubs. Next all eyes turned to watch the colorful spectacle of 32 young ladies with long streamers winding the maypole. Randy, Jerry and Drew, the Cowart sisters and the Harding Concert Band entertained the visitors during the day and "Camelot" was shown to a full hOllse later that evening. ENSHRINED in on ivy-woven gazebo, Beth Underwood and court herald the cominQ of May. 70