BUDS and flowers, with their initiation into summer, hold a special fascination for the early outdoor venturer browsing in the countryside after the lonj:J, frozen winter months. EVENTS OF SPRING Nymph of spring pays sly visits on winter's eve Spring and winter played chase throughout the first mont'lS of the year with only a flurry of snowflakes or an occasional cloudburst horning in on the fair weather. A defensive driving course, another innovation of the Student Association, was held in March and Harding Student Hosts, a group which answered questions and provided aid for visiting prospective students, was begun. The SA acted as host for the seventh annual Youth Forum entitled "A Reason for the Faith," where the young people discussed the role of the Christian in a continuall y changing world. Other events of spring included the Preachers' Forum entit led "Stand Therefore," a Creative Writing Contest, an Intramura l Speech Festival. and the play, "Bcc' ~et." GATHERING many to its outdoor concert, the band is the hit of a warm sprin!=J evening. 69