WINDING his way through the serpentine line at second semester registration, Rick Pinczuk pre- _ts another card from his large assortment and wishes the line wou ld move along faste r. EVENTS OF WINTER Second semester washed into view by rainy drizzle Sudden rainstorms lashed the campus frequently, but curiously missed were the snow and the snowball fights. Even so, the winter months found many enjoying the outdoors. Registration for the second semester totaUed 1,850, slightly down from first semester's near record high of 1,916. The Dean's List released after first semester listed 271 students, with 38 of them making a 4.000 grade point average. For the first time the Student Association sponsored book exchanges both semesters. A taUy of the second revealed that $5,500 worth of business had been done while handling over 2,300 books. Owr three-fourths of the books were sold. HAlOING KHCA radio announcer Tom Anderson is at the book exchange to lend spot coverage via his "Bartholomew Jones" show. SORTING through the jumble at the book exchange, Clarence Hicks and Cindy Cannon hope to chance upon a required book that is cheap. 65