ANIMATElY portrayin!=J "The Grinch That Stole Christmas" for the Christmas show audience are Chuq Parker, Carrilyn Francis, Kathy Jones, Bill McDonald, Jim Brock, and Patty West. EVENTS OF WINTER Christmas party, projects renew good-will hopes Deciding an old-fashioned Christmas was best, the Student Association bedecked the bell tower, bushes, lamp posts and the facade of the Administration Building with lights and ornaments and a large fir on campus was converted into a giant Christmas tree. A Toy and Dolly Drive enlisted 'he aid of nearly one hundred per cent of the social club membership, and a wide assortment of handmade or purchased toys was sent to orphans' homes in Texas, Alabama, Tennessee, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Kentucky, Indiana, California, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Ohio, Iowa and Missouri. The Christmas party featured an adapted version of Dr. Seuss's, "The Grincl, That Stole Christmas." 62 ADMIRING a stuffed snake, Cathy Walters and Paul Cannon look throu~h hundreds of made creations students donoted to the Toy and Dolly Drive to be !=Jiv~n to children's ho",... '.