EVENTS OF WINTER Holiday showcase is best hallmark of Open House Because of so many requests to the Student Association, an Open House was held in the fall semester for the first time. All dorms were opened to show off their festive decorations and prizes were awarded to the best-dressed rooms. Door prizes were given to the man and woman having the lucky number in the mystery dorms. The Christmas season lent itself especially well to creative efforts. Mistletoe abounded and the smell of pine filled the rooms. As soon as visiting hours were over, however, out came the usual clutter in most cases and the cavorting was resumed. As the cold hand of winter curled around the campus, life withdrew to the warm sanctuary of the dorm and indoor activities were intensified. CARD games are enlisted for entertainment by New Women's Dormitory residents Carol Kelly and her roommate Sally Baker to pass away visiting time with Jimmy Williams ot Open House. SHARING dorm life for a few hours at Open House, this group seems to find comfort in numbers, dropping in to listen to the stereo, playing cards and helping themselves to refreshments. MINGLING under the mistletoe, John offers teasing comments to Tanya 60