1970-1971 Yearbook

InRING an irresislable yawn in the day 's rautine seems hopeless for Unda Lonsberry, NIGHTTIME scenes reflected in Ihe lil y pond a re a praye rful set l inq fo r Thursday evening devotionals, beckoninq students to brea k from other activities 10 join together in singing . EVENTS lJF AUTUMN Individual aims put achievement among ambitions The initial ease of the year did take a decided turn for serious involvement in learning. creativi ty and spiritual growth. Twenty four young scholars were initiated into Alpha Chi . Numerous tenll papers due before Christmas holidays brought a flurry of activity to the library in December. Elementary education majors read as many as IDO or more juvenile books for children's literature class. Some busied themselves in preparation for the Non,east Campaign and others. The Arkansas gubernatorial elections aroused brief interest and visits were paid the campus by Anne Bartley. Rockefeller's step-daughter, and Da le Bumpers. VISIBLE through a half·open doorway, intent faces focus intell ects on the instruction. 55