52 EVENTS OF AUTUMN Carving inroads into mainstream fills first weeks Before good weather subsided and term papers came due, sludents were likely to be found languishing on Ihe lawns engaging in Ihe popular study of campusology. An earnest quest for new acquaintances and finding others with like interests formed Ihe nucleus of the first few weeks of school. When students were not entertaining themselves, they had the opportunity to be entertained by groups appea ring in the weekend coffeehouses, an innovation of the SA. Campus movies were shown more frequently and were more varied, including such shows as "Tn the Heat of the Night" and "Support Your Local Sheriff." AUTUMN elements playfully cooperate with Jo Zeps whirling by on a minibike, s.emina ' enjoy the moving sensation as she disappears down the sidewalk disdainful of D.ejeSlI,i" BALMY weather and the still-verdant campus coax Chris Worsham into combining studying with the heady effects of the outdoors.