Theda Aaron, BA, IBM Operator Barbara Altman, Sec., Educ. Media Center Jane Anderson, Bookkeeper, Business Office Esther Armstrong, Director, Cathcart Hall James C. Baker, Maintenance Department Peggie Baker, BS, Secretary, Bible Dept. Johnnie Ballard, Ma intenance Foreman Diane Barrington, Sec., Elementary School Dean Bawcom, BS, Admissions Counselor Sheba Beasley, Bookkeeper, Business Office Judy Bell, Assistant. Home Economics Dept. Don O. Berryhill, EdO, Dir. of Men's Housing Joan Berryhill, Clerk, College Bookstore Rheba Berryhill, BA, Assistant, library Lucille Bohannon, Clerk, Post Office William Bridges, BS, Acct .. Business Office Ronald Brotherton, MA, Dir. of Counseling Tommie Brown, Assistant Postmistress Thelma Buchanan, Director, Kendall Hall Sue Bucy, Bookkeeper, Business Office Joyce Bullard, Secretary, Registrar's Office Corrine Burke, BA, Assistant, library David B. Burks, MBA, Director of Placement Edward Burt, Manager, College Bowt Ruth Burt, Bookkeeper, Business Office Bobby Coker, EdD, Dir. of Inst. Testing Earl Collins, Asst. Mgr., Pattie Cobb Cafeteria Bob J. Corbin, MEd, Research Associate Doris Coward, BA, Secretary, Alumni Office Mattie Jean Cox, LVN, LPN, College Nurse David Crouch, BS, Director, News Bureau Lola Crouch, BA, Secretary, Placement Office Beverly Culp, BA, Secretary, Health Center William E. Curry, Mgr., Heritage Center Floyd Daniel, BS, Director of Development James H. Daniel, BA, Dir. of Deferred Giving Rellia Dillinger, Secretary, Academy Sup!. Georgia DuBois, PBX Operator Anne Dunnam, Secretary, Psy.·Soc. Dept. Gertrude Dykes, Asst. Mgr., Bookstore 47