WIRING a program for the data processing class presents a challenging task fo r Jon Nwokeh and Nazar Alaolmol ki while Mr. Winter stands by ready to help when difficulties arise . -- , , ~ I ' SOCIAL SCIENCE Courses probed for modern ideas, methods, materials More business and economic students were given the opport unity to be involved in interactive business simulation in a new course orrered this year. A few members of the department had been able to participate in such a program as members of either the Mi chigan or Emory Intercollegiate Business Teams, both of which brought na tional recognition to Harding in the competition last year, The Departmen t of History conducted a review of course content in a concerted effort to adopt methods and materials more in keeping with modern ideas in hi story and the social sciences, Billy Verklcr completed work for his Ph,D, degree in Sociology and plans were made for a new major in social work, A new course in psychology offered a battery of tests designed to provide more objecti ve voca tional counseling, EN ROUTE to New Orleans, American Studies students visit the Vicksburg battleg rounds. TYPING another page of his thesis, Mr. Muncy strives to complete his doctoral requisites. 45