"'... R. Allen, MRE Assistant Professor Bible .., E. HO'l'lard, ThM Assistant Professor Bible James D. Bales, PhD William Leslie Burke, MA W. Joe Hacker. ORE Earl Conard Hays, MA, 80 Professor Professo r Associate Professor Associate Professor Bible Greek Rel igious Education Bib le Evertt Huffard. MA Allan l. lsom, ThM Neale T. Pryor, ThD Andy T. Ritchie, MA Visi t ing Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Bible and Missions Bible Bible and Hebrew Bibl. MISSION/PREPARE : ATOTAL APPROACH TO 'IJSH • WORLD WIDE EVANGELISTIC TRAINING HARDING COLLEGE SEARCY. ARK. lEADING the various brochures and pamphlets displayed by the MISSION/PREPARE program at the annual fall lectureship series , a ~ tud ~ nt qets acquainted with the objectives of the qroup. Robert l. Helsten, MA Assistant Professor Bible Jack Wood Sears, PhD Professor Bible Winfred O. Wright Dr. de l'Universite Assistant Professo r Missions 43