RELIGION Mission/Prepare conducts Foreign Evangelist study Faith in God and a zeal for New Testament Chri sti a nit y were strengthened by opportuniti es for personal involvement in the Divi sion of Religion. Evangeli stic campaigns took students a nd teachers around the wo rld to Japan, Indi a, Peru, Russia , Germany, and France. Recognizing the continuing need for wi lling and prepared workers here in the stat es, several teams travel ed to the Northeas t and Southwes t. The Mi ss ion/ Prepare Research Bureau, directed by Joe Hacker, completed a study in the moti vation, training. and experi ence backgrounds of foreign evangeli sts. Evertt Huffard, Vi si ting Professor of Bible and Miss ions, a nd his family were here from Jerusal em to offer first hand experi ences to those students int erested in eventual full-time mission work. Dr. Neale Pryor, a J 970 winner of the Di stingui shed Teacher award, co-ordinated the 47th annual Harding College lectureshi p. T heme lectures and forums discussed the "Bond of Peace." NOTED for his authorsh ip of several books, Dr. Bales searches throuqh his massive f iles of research information hun tinq for ma teria l tha t migh t prove useful in a new book or articl, TEACHING at Westside' s Satu rday Bible Hour program, Becky Cochra n presents the theme "Let' s talk about Jesus" to the attentive children. TAKING a break between classes, Mr. 150m and Dr. Pryor notes on the preparat ion invol ved in presenting the ir doily Bible 42