LAURA and Matilda listen to thei r father, Dr. Dean Priest. Takinq the time for persona l atten · tion in the cla ssroom as wel l as at home won him a 1970 Distinqui shed Teacher awa rd . NATURAL SCIENCE New teachers and honor students actively involved Involvement in local. state, and national affairs marked the interests of students in the Division of Natural Science. David Roll won the 1970 award for top senior chemistry major in Central Arkansas given by the American Chemical Society. Mr. Oldham was on leave of absence working on his doctorate in mathematics at Colorado State College and David Timmons joined the faculty in his place. Chairman of the Math Department, Dr. Dean Priest was a recipient of the 1970 Distinguished Teacher award. Dr. Edmond Wilson joined the chemistry faculty and Dr. Eva Thompson was a new member of the Home Economics Department. Four Harding students were leaders in the student section of the Arkansas Home Economics Association, and Dr. Mildred Bell, chairman of the department. served as historian. SETTING up a physics experiment demands the study of Ken Whitelaw and Dan Collins. REFINISHING a choi r in Home Furnishinqs lab tokes hard work , as Koren Woodward learns. 41