HUMANITIES New teachers help produce ~~Becket", ~~Blithe Spirit" Two new instructors in speech and drama brought fresh ideas and enthusiasm to an alrcady hardworking department. James Huddl eston and Bob West worked together to produce two major produc· ti ons, "Blithe Spirit" and "Becket", as we ll as "The Apple Tree" and a series of one·act plays. Mr. Robe rt Eubanks served as Presi · dent of the Arkansas Speech Association and faculty members within the depart· ment were active in civic and professional orga nizations. Chairma n of the Speech Departmen!. Dr . Evan Ulrey was se lected tn appear in the 1970 edition of Outstolid· ill l:? Educators of America. Several changes were made in the curriculum fnr the department of English and two new teachers were added. 38 CHAIRM AN of the Department of Modern Foreign Languages, guest speaker Dr. Wright discusses experiences from his summer tour of France with members of the French