EAGER participation in music department activities is evidenced by Cliff Ganus's playing in pep band. GOOD-BYS are exchan~ed as the A Cappella leaves for its ten-day tour of Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. FINE ARTS Achievements in Fine Arts Division balance academics A steadily growing number of majors made use of the facilities of the Art and Music Departments, with achievements in fine arts thal benefitted the whole campus. Such groups as the band, chorale, and A Cappc ll a Chorus formed a periphery of activities that complemented the emphasis on academics. Graduates of the program could be assured of a thorough background in the fine arts area to draw from in their careers or further education. Recognition came to members of the faculty and students alike in the Third Annual Delta Art Exhibit. Each of the four music students who went to the National Association of Teachers of Singing State Auditions early in the year came away with honors. Harding took two firsts, one second, and one third place. Dr. Erie T. Moore, chairman of the Music Department, was awarded one of the 1970 Dislinguis!led Teacher awards. CAREFUllY putting finishing touches on her canvas, Marqaret Mitchell shows her talent. 37