Harry B. Risinger gave fifteen years of unselfish, dedicated service to Harding College, joining the staff in 1955 as pilot the college plane. He also performed valuable services to the college - as a refrigeration engineer and, later, sales and public relations for the CoIFarm Dairy. His skill as a pilot was evidenc.:d by the hundreds of flights he carrying Dr. George S. Benson and Gillon L. Ganus. on missions for IHanling College to all parts of the counIN MEMORIAM HARRY B. RISINGER 1920·1970 try. He was recognized in the community for his integrity of character, pleasant disposition. and enthusiastic support of Harding College. He is survived by his three children. Mrs. Jim Stanley, Harry "Bud" Risinger, and Amanda , and his wife. Born November 13, 1920, Mr. Risinger attended Harding elementary school and academy while the college was at Morril - ton. He served approximately five years in the U. S. Air Force as a pilot during World War II, flying many missions in the Pacific theater. He died of a heart attack at his home on July 17, 1970. He was appointed an elder of the College church of Christ in 1966. He took the lead in developing and implementing a zone plan to serve resident members and a group plan to serve college students. He also took a special interest in serving the needs of elderly people and the sick. It has been said that the best sermon that can be preached is a godly life. Harry B. Risinger preached a powerful sermon. 367