EDUCATION New policies and equipment update media facilities TeaC~1ers from every department benefitted from t!1e new equipment and policies of the Educational Media Center. Instead of just making machines available, every effort was made to help the teacher with the prepara ti on of teaching materials. In this way, the eq uipment was utili zed to its full est extent and very much to th" advantage of the student. Jerome Barnes completed work on hi s doctorate and directed the center. Practica lit y and concern for the development of skills that would be called upon in subsequent career choices were objectives of the di vision, especially for the Department of Education. In March, the program underwent its regular ten year evaluation by the National Accreditation of Teacher Education. With the cutback of funds for space research, the research center was fortunate to continue to receive support from NASA. A total of $45,000 was granted and twenty members of the facuity participated in a study to find "Methods of Achieving Phys ica l Fitness in Men Whose Ages are Compa rable to the Astronauts ." CO· OPERATING with the research program, Dr. Neale Pryor is assisted by Bruce Smi th . 34 COMBINING his interest in athletics and education, Mike Pruitt discovers that meaningful practice-teaching involves persona I participation with his students at WORKING with Johnny Baines, Dr. Barnes fulfills one of his primary duties as director of Educa t ional Media Center, that of teaching the students to use the equipment them",!",