How do you describe Harding students ? Diversity is the keynote Diversity in the pursuit of excellence could best describe Harding's student body. A diversity in aspirations and life-time goals, but a unity of purpose in Christian service characterizes the students in their quest for academic achievement. Searching for the answers to their questions and pondering over the accumulation of knowledge and human experience that is so typically a part of college life, they come to grasp the fullness of the Christian life. Meshed within the daily schedule of work, study and recreation the student finds time for personal involvement that is so uniquely a part of Harding. Finding time to work as teacher aides in a school for retarded children, spending their vacations working in campaigns for Christ, and donating blood in a local Red Cross drive are only a few examples of the personal involvement found in Harding's student body. Personal involvement in projects and Christian service with their teachers outside the classroom has given the students the chance to acquire a knowledge often overlooked in larger institutions. The ability to combine the classroom with extracurricular activities to produce the well-rounded student is education at Harding. Diversity in honors and achievements is as wide as the interests of the students and a tribute to the dedication of those seeking to rise to the pinnacle in academics or athletics. This dedication to excellence requires hard work and places an extra burden upon the students - a burden of their own choosing. Diverse as they may be, in purpose and service, Harding students are one. Interested? Write Harding College For further information write : Director of Admissions. Harding College, Searcy, Arkansas 72143 351