1970-1971 Yearbook

USANDS BAPTIZED INTO CHRIST! • • • • 'and Texas H APROVED METHOD OF WINNING SOULS Five filmst rips with over 400 pictures and charts in living co lor give a birds-eye view of the Bible, New Testament Christianity and the rise of denominationalism, together with a plea for obedience to Christ. Thousands of Christians now are teaching and converting friends and neighbors in the intimacy of t heir own homes. Proj ected pictures in full color open new doors for reaching the lost . MORE OBJECTIVE AND POSITIVE APPROACH Dist inctive Bible truths are presented in a more appealing manner. IMPROVED HISTORICAL ACCURACY Historical treatment correlates beautifully with ongoing flow of history. CONTINUITY IMPROVED: SMOOTHER TRANSI· TION A more logical progression from frame to frame is ten into the paragraphs. UPDATED WITH NEW CHARTS The new charts have been planned and produced for improved visual perception. NEW LIVE PHOTOGRAPHY Pictures by professional photographers using professional modell depict more vividly important attitudes and contexts. LATEST " PROGRAMMED LEARNING" TECHNIQUE ADDED A complete program for "Programmed Learning" is part of booklet to be left with prospects for further study. ALL ART EITHER NEW OR REPHOTOGRAPHED FOR GREA19 COLOR AND IMPACT The brighter and more impressive hues have been utilized and intensit im roved. No.506 Five Filmstrips, full -color manual s, and training manual .....................$44.50 NO.506RFive 12" reco rds .................................................................... 19.95 No. 50CKCOMPLETE KIT, INCLUDING FILMSTRIPS, MANUALS, RECORDS (SAVE $5) 59.45 Nowin slides, add $20 Cassettes instead of records, $24.95 EXTRA SETS OF FULL-COLOR MANUALS, $1.20