ACADEMICS Faculty reflects genuine interest, personal approach The maior objective of an institution of higher learning is that of training its students and I-larding had a genuine in· terest in helping young people to develop character. spiritual resources. maturity. and emotional stability. Students were guided in their educational experience by 105 Christian men and women. The student-faculty ratio of 18.2 emphasized Harding's commitment to the personal approach in education. This was morc important than ever as students sought direction in form ing lifc·long va lues. During the 1969-70 school year an extensive self-study was made for a reeva luation by the North Central Association of Co ll eges and Secondary Schools. The repor! of the examiners commended Harding College for the clar ity of her objectives. effectiveness in implementing the object ives, and the achievements of the students. REFlECTING the solemnity of academic life, Gail Welker concentrates intently in dass. SITTING on the steps, Buddy Jones finds a quiet place to study on a warm afternoon. 29