SECOND GRADE. FRONT ROW: McDaniel, McCain, Marti n, Alston , Coker, Yarbrough . SECOND ROW: Mrs. Alston (teacher), Cox, Nichols, Higginbottom, Berryhill, Richey, Rainwater, Dunn . THIRD ROW: Daughety, Knight, Berry, Smith, fl ippin, Cook. IMITATING the hiqh school cheerleaders are Lori Ba iley, Suzan Wright, and Leah Mcinturff. FIRST GRADE. FRONT ROW: Kiihnl. Ritchie. Woody. Mclntruff. Morris. Woody. SECONO ROW: Pryor. Ballinger. Knight, Isom, Ba iley, light, Durham. THIRD ROW: Mrs. Blue (teacher), Priest , Corbin, Miller, Unde/'Wood, Beck, McDanield, Fletcher. ENJOYING rough football games proves to be on exciting event for the elementary boys. 305