1970-1971 Yearbook

GRADE. FRONT ROW: Mrs. Confer (teacher), Wallace, Woody, McCampbell, Green, Scott, Coker, Burket!. ROW: Ballinger, Williams, De Loach, Wheeler, Kiihnl, Yingl ing. THIRD ROW: Howell , Alexander, Petway, Martin, McCauley, Webb. FOURTH ROW: Schol, Taylor, Aaron, Mackey, Smith, Allen, Muncy, Eubanks. GRADE: FRONT ROW: Mrs. Helsten (teacher), McCampbell, Ballinger, Pryor, Cal, Bullard, Risinger, Coker. ROW; Scolt, Posey, Barry, Brotherton, Scarsdale, Robbins, Eubanks. THIRD ROW: Osborne, Allen, Wright, Ul rey, Hedrick, Alston, Kellar, Corbin. FOURTH ROW: D. Campbell, Smith, J. Campbell, Barnes, Farrar, I Elder, Berry. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Leadership found for elementary in upper two grades Being the upperclassmen of the Elementary, the fifth and sixth grades displayed leadership for the primary classes. The main highlight of the sixth graders' year was graduation in May. They presented a program and received awards for achievement. The intermediate students presented several programs for their parents and the high school chapel. The cheerleaders, in bright new uniforms, boosted the Pee-Wee Cats to many victories. They conducted pep rallies in the auditorium to promote better spirit for the Pee-Wee teams. PEEWEE CHEERLEADERS. FRONT ROW: Mary Ann Kellar, Cindy Allen, Meg Alston. SECOND ROW: Susan Wallace, Kerr; Bullard, Sue Coker. 303