GRADUATE STUDIES Dr. Royse directs graduate study, teaches education DR. NYAL D. ROYSE is Director of Graduate Studies and an associate professor of education. He holds membership in the American Associations of Educational Studies and Higher Education and Arkansas Associations of Higher Education and Educational Research. On October 17 he represented Memphis State at the inauguration of Dr. Johnston at Columbia Christian College in Portland, Oregon. He published Class Noles all Ihe Holy Spiril and decorates wedding cakes as a hobby. RESTING pensively upon his desk , Dr. Royse supervises an informal class discussion. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Two new members selected to join Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees welcomed two new members this year: Mr. Dallas Harris of Boise, Idaho, and Dr. Richard E. Burt of Richardson, Texas. Led by Chairman W. L. Howard and Vice-Chairman Dr. Houston Karnes, the Trustees and administrators presented an open discussion during lectureship week to inform friends of the college of recent Board actions and student achievements. Responsible for providing Harding's guidelines, the Board met again during commencement. 28 NYAL D. ROYSE, EdD BOARD OF TRUSTEES. FRONT ROW: Lem.n Johnson, T. 1. McReynolds, Mrs. Robert Warnock. SECOND ROW: J. A. Thompson, Dr. Houston Karnes, Hillard Johnmeyer, Milton Peebles. THIRD ROW: James B. Ellers, Dr. Richard Burt, Richard Gibson, Flanoy Alexander. FOURTH ROW: John D. Baldwin. Jim Bill Mclnteer, Dr. Clifton Ganus, David Paul Burton, Dr. Harold Cogburn. ! . /~