REGISTRAR Registrar attends annual meeting of Arkansas officers VIRGIL M. BECKETT represented Harding at the annual meeting of Arkansas Collegiale Regislrars and Admissions Officers in OClober. 1970. As registrar of Ihe college, Mr. Beckett supervised all IBM operations, which were utilized in registration and business office procedures as well as enabling Ihe handling of students' records wilh greater efficiency. Mr. Beckett is a member of the American Associalion of Collegiale Regislrars and Admissions Officers and of Alpha Chi. CHECKING the plane before takinq off, Fred Alexander prepares for another flying trip. DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS Alexander visits junior colleges for recruitment FRED ALEXA DER, Director of Ad· missions, was one of several administrators representing Harding at the meeting of Arkansas Deans, Registrars and Ad· missions Officers at AM&N College in Pine Bluff in late October. He also traveled to almost every Christian junior college, taking with him several transfer students to help in recruiting their ex· classmates. Mr. Alexander piloted the plane on most of lhese trips. 26 r;< 0 t ~ .r.. 1 ) II 171 VIRG il BECKEn, BA FRED ALEXANDER, MEd ~ "'L. 'tIl "'2.> ~ • I'{ ~ 4>,\ • ~ to