"'SlIING to form close friendships with students, Mrs. Egly exhibits her sparkling personnot only as Dean but also informally while horseback ridinq with cooed Jackie Hall. BERNADINE EGLY, MSSW DEAN OF MEN Interest of Dean Campbell directed toward two areas EDDIE R. CAMPBELL, Dean of Men, working in both student personnel and admissions, visited high schools in an eight-county area surrounding Searcy. He also helped plan activities for High School Day, Senior Day and the Youth Forum. and served as advisor for the Men's Dorm Counci l. November 11-13 Dean Campbell attended the Arkansas Drug Training Program at State College of Arkansas. He also is actively involved in Boy Scout work. GETTING ready for a recruiting trip, Dean Campbell and Tom Gooden plan their route. DEAN OF WOMEN lIarding student returns as Dean, first since 1966 BERNADINE EGLY, who attended Harding from 1950-1952, returned in Augus t as the first Dean of Women since 1966. One of her major accomplishments was initiation of a new sign-out system for women students. Besides sponsoring Delta Chi Omega social club she holds membership in the National Association of Social Wor:,ers and the Academy of Certified Social Workers. November 27-28 she helped judge the Miss Teen-age Christian Pageant in Memphis, Tennessee. 25