PERRY S. MASON, MA, LLD, Superintendent , J. E. BERRYHIll. MA, Regislr.r ADMINISTRATION Spiritual growth is chief concern of administrators PERRY S. MASON. BA, MA, LLD. superintendent of Harding Academy for the past twenly~four years, was an important factor in school life. As sponsor of the Key Club, he was a familiar sight behind the concession stand at football games. Besides his administrative duties, Dr. Mason was an active member of the American Legion. Phi Delta Kappa, and Phi Alpha Theta. He has won awards for his work toward democracy. BILL DILES, MA, now in his fourth year as principal of Harding Academy, taught Bible, typing and general business courses. In addition to these duties, he announced and was statistician for the athletic teams. As sponsor of Future Business Leaders of America, he encouraged the members to participate in state- and nation-wide competition in such business skills as typing, spelling, and shorthand. Althoug:1 these responsibilities took most of his time, Mr. Diles still found lime to liSien to students problems. His warmth and sincere desire to help the Academy made him one of the most vital characters in Academy life. J. E. BERRYHILL, BA, MA, long a familar figure at the Academy, was originally principal. Occupying the position of Registrar since 1968, he helped each student complete graduation requirerrents. Mr. Berryhill also taught Bible, American history, and driver's education courses along with his counseling responsibilities. Students appreciated the humorous anec· dotes he told to add sparkle to his classes. Once again Mr. Berryhill donated song books and sanded many of the desks at the Academy. His willingness to help adds to his significance in the school. 263