ASSISTANT DEAN Dr. Carr added to Harding's faculty as Assistant Dean DR. JAMES F. CARR, prior to his becoming Assistant Dean, was Ass istant Chancellor of the Florida State University System. Dr. Carr quickly became involved in campus and community activi. lies. He sponsored the senior class and Galaxy social club and joined the Chamber of Commerce. Currently servi ng on the executive Board of Swannee Ri ver Area Council of Boy Scout s of America, he is past-president of the Southern Association of Student Financial Aid Admini strators. AILING Senior president Joe McReynolds is cheered by a friendly visi t from Dr. Corr. DEAN OF STUDENTS Dean of Students relieved of extra duties undertaken VIRGIL H. LAWYER, with the hiring of a Dean of Women and the returning of Harding's cross-country coach, was relieved of extra duties he had undertaken. During October Dean Lawyer attended professional meetings at Arkansas AM&N College and Oklahoma Christian. He holds membership in Arkansas College Personnel Administrators, Arkansas Council of Personnel Deans and Phi Alpha Theta, a history fraternity. JAMES F. CARR, JR., EdD CAMPAIGNING before the November qeneraJ election, Governor Dale Bumpers discusses some of his platform ideas with Dean VirqiJ lawyer while three Hordinq students listen attentively VtRGll LAWYER, MA