mlNG to reqoin some semblance of order out of all the confusion of the first few weeks of the semester, all paths lead to Dean Pryor in an attempt to settle the problems that crop up. DEAN OF THE COLLEGE Dr. Pryor inducts Alpha Chi chapter at Arkansas Tech DR. JOSEPH E. PRYOR became national secretary-trcasurer of Alp!la Chi, after holding that office for eleven years in Region II. As director of their expansion program. he installed the Arkansas Kappa chapter at Arkansas Tech on October 5 and October 6-7 he met with the newly-organized Region TV in Sioux Falls. South Dakota. Dr. Pryor edited the NCATE Self-study Report for Harding's Icn-year reevaluation and visited two Arkansas colleges as a North Central Coordinator. He served as Harding's ATC faculty representative, sponsor for TNT social club and faculty advisor for the Petit Jeal/ . [or which he received the Golden Eagle Award from American Yearbook Company in "recognition of outstanding service as a yearbook advisor." SERVING as Alpha Chi sponsor, Dr . Pryor officiates at a candleliqht induction ceremony. 23