ANNOUNCING home football ~ames , Billy Ray Cox shows his support for the Bison team. RECEIVING a Chamber of Commerce award from President lott Tucker is Truman Baker. VICE-PRESIDENTS June promotions giveHarding two Vice-presidents BILLY RAY COX, in June, 1970, was named one of Harding's two new Vicepresidents. [n addition to his administrative and teaching duties, he served as director of American Studies and advisor for both the executive business team and the SA's Constitutional Committee. Also in June he traveled to Japan as a special advisor to the board of Ibaraki Christian College. During the school year he presented seminars for private businesses from Arkansas to California. LOTI R. TUCKER, JR. was promoted to Vice-president of Finance. Major projects during the school year included construct ion of a new men's dormitory and expansion of present li brary facilities. Mr. Tucker also served as president of the Searcy Chamber of Commerce. He was not only involved in civic and school activities, but also in church affairs, volunteering as a group leader for the College Church of Christ. 22 BILLY RAY COX, MBA, CPA, TDA LOTT TUCKER. BA