CHI SIGMA ALPHA. TOP ROW; Bawcom, Burton, Organ (sponsors), Argo, Bates, R. Beasley, T. Beasley, Blucker, Brooks, Carr, Chitty. SECOND ROW: Copeland, Costlow, Cox, Curtis, C. Davis, D. Davis, L. Davis, Drum, Duke, Eason, Estes. THIRD ROW: Gregg, Greer, Haines, Hanks, Hicks, Hunter, James, Justus, Killgore, lawyer, lillard. FOURTH ROW: l uke, Mayhall, McDonald, Mitchell , Nicola, Nunnally, Prout, Root, Shuffett, R. Smith, S. Smith. FIFTH ROW: Stewart, Stidham, Stough, Summitt, Trotter, Tullos, V,nRheenan, Whittingon, O. Williams, J. Williams, Wrenn, Young. CHI SIGMA ALPHA Students enjoy musical talent of Chi Sigs Serenading after curfew in the courtyard of the womens' dorms was a favorite pastime for the musically-talented Chi Sigs. The club queen received special honor during their Christmas caroling one evening. They were awarded second place in the Homecoming parade competition for their "Sopwith Bison," a take-off on the cartoon home of Snoopy. Throughout the year, the club visited the Childrens Colony near Little Rock for afternoons of playing games and singing with the children. The ten-foot tall decorated tree, delicious dinner, games, and devotional created a holiday spirit for the Christmas Party at Camp Wyldewood. A chapel program and April banquet finished out the spring activities. 230 OFFICERS. Rick Smith . Pres .; Mike Jame" Vice · Pres.; Cha rl es Davis. Sec.; Ferre ll Drum, Treas.; Denn is O rqan, Harding Burton, Dean Bawcom, Sponsors. Cl ub Queen HtLDA HARPER TRIBUTE from club pledges to mother earth is deemed necessary by Smith, Nicola, and Cox.