1970-1971 Yearbook

-J ,.. -j~ .. TOP ROW: Pryor, Sewell (sponsors), Allen, Baker, Bradford, Burress. SECOND ROW: Chesser, o.vis, J, Davis, J. Dempsey. THIRD ROW: T. Dempsey. Dockery, Dunlap, Dykes, Evans, Fortner. R. Fowler, S. Fowler, Frost, Fugatt, Ganus, Greer. FIFTH ROW: Hadley. Haynes, Ice, leach, Miller, ROW: Patchell, Rahrte, P. Reagan, R. Reagan, Sadter, Shores, Shuffield. SEVENTH ROW: Smith, White, Womack, Woods, Zink. BET A PHI KAPPA Scavenger hunt adds to lively Beta Phi outing Soon after school started old members were the hosts at a party for prospective pledges of Beta Phi Kappa . Later in the fall , the members and their dates entered into an indoor scavenger hunt and enjoyed the singing of some club brothers at their third function. In sports events, Beta Phi was the softball champion among the small clubs and both their A and B teams placed second in football. Rough initiation activities centered around a dam at the edge of Searcy, and the rain also played an impressive part during the evening. Plans for the spring included a formal banquet. OFFICERS. Tim Hadley, Pres. ; Roger Shuffield, Vice· Pres .; Bob Rohrle. Sec.; Mike Cole, Treos.; Neale Pryor, Ed Sewell , Sponsors. Club Queens NIKKI JOHNSON, NAN COFFMAN GOING high to make the catch is Roy Womack as 5ig Tau's Tim Wolfe slides at second. 229