1970-1971 Yearbook

Haus, for the rebound , Mose Turne r hopes to toke the boll owoy from his Chi Sigs Denny Dotson hurriedly moves in dose behind ready to lend 0 helping hand. OFFICERS. Mork Milhol1en, Pres. ; H. E. johnmeyer, Vice-Pres.; jock Frouenthal, Sec.; Roddy Osborne, Sponsor. Club Queen TERRY CASSITY ALPHA PHI KAPPA Club sports dominate APK interest Enthusiasm characterized the attitude of Alpha Phi Kappa toward club sports this year. The only result of their persistence and determination was a second place finish in large club football. APK kept their traditional "tea party" this year during pledge week given by the pledges for the old members . Several club members sang and played guitars hoping to satisfactori ly entertain the pledgemasters. Plans for the spring semester included their banquet, working on a service project, and having an outing near the end of the term. 227