1970-1971 Yearbook

ALPHA OMEGA ALPHA Alpha Omega gives trophy to foster spirit In their first year to be included in the yearbook and in their second year of existence, Alpha Omega Alpha members felt that the best way for them to alleviate the dilemma of increased school enrollment followed by larger, less personal social clubs was to create a new club. Being a small club, yet still desiring to be a spirited one, they donated the Interclub Spirit Trophy to show their spirit for Harding and also to encourage the larger clubs to continue their support of our intercollegiate activities. During the initiation of their first club pledges, each new member was forced to make an impromptu speech while a spotlight beamed in his face. After rough initiation, the pledges, singing Row, Row Your Boat, were left blind-folded outside Searcy, to find their own way back to school. OFFICERS. Reagen Wilson, Pres.; Mason Berry. hill, Vice. Pres.; Robert Mahaffey, Sec.; Barry Cox, Trees.; Cliff Ganus III, Bob Helsten, sponsors. Club Queen CINDY CATES 226 CLUB president Peacock during ALPHA OMEGA ALPHA. TOP ROW: Ganus, Helsten (sponsors), Berryh ill, Covalt, Cox, Epperson. SECOND Houser, Jacoby, Jones, King, lawson, Mahaffey. THIRD ROW: Naylor, Patten, Sellers, Slinghuff, Walker,