CHI. TOP ROW: Baggett. Hedrick (sponsors), Bryant, Clark, Estes, Evans. SECOND ROW: Fergu· Stephenson, Ultls, Walden, Young. guarding his lambda Sigma opponent and backed up by his teammate Roy AEX's President Tom Walden hopes to recover the boll on his end of the court. ~ A~. • • • • ALPHA EPSILON CHI AEX centers banquet theme on the zodiac For their early spring banquet, AEX relied on the "Sign of the Zodiac" for a successful evening. Giving their tired, heckled pledges a break, the old members broke the tradition of rough initiation the last night of pledge week and didn't have it. Instead the old and new members joined in an evening of gett ing acquainted and having fun at a Pizza Party. In December, a Russian Peasant Feast was held at the Searcy Optimist Club, attended by the Alpha Chi peasants and their dates. Authentic dress and food added to the atmosp!1ere of relaxat ion and merriment. Although still a small club, the members enjoyed entering into sports competition. OFFICERS. Tom Walden . Pres .; Ron Clerk, Vice -Pres.; Donny Bryant, Sec .; Paul Haynie, Trees.; Edd ie Baggett, James Hedrick. Sponsors. Club Queen PATTI BEARD 225