1970-1971 Yearbook

INTRODUCTION nbs contribute toward building characters Growth of the individual personality one of the main goa ls of the clubs this year. Academic chal· was accorded the members when scholastic achievements were recog· with a trophy given to the men's women's club with the highest grade average. Intell ectua l stimulation was through participation in the an· Speech Arts Tournament held pri· for talent competition between the clubs. Strong emphasis in the of spiritual maturi ty could be seen in planned monthly devotional, a short of worship to God during club ,"ctiOllS or an all· day Sunday outing at Wyldewod. However, in the college atmosphere, social clubs served effectively the social needs of the ,elTlbelcs. Service projects such as donat· the Interclub Spirit trophy, working the Searcy welfare committee, and blood allowed clubs to co· with their society. Opportunities building well·rounded Christ ian char· were abundant through social club ,elTiOelCS hlp at Harding this year. IT's Mike Mason pauses a moment with •nnie Sarrett to enjoy the serenity of nature. 14 -----tt-- .--1 ENTERTAINED by Steve BOWie , Doug Killgore and larry Costlow, Ju Go Ju members stop and relax with their computer-chosen dates in between active games at their third function. RAW eggs, liver, and instant coffee are loaded into a trunk . loter to serve as a ready supply of amusement to old members when mixed in various proportions and fed to pledges. rc I WITH ident ities concealed under poper bags, pledges are herded into a waiting pick-up and taken to an unknown destination for on unforgettable night of rough initiation activities.