1970-1971 Yearbook

INTRODUCTION Competition adds spark to social club excellence Competition was a key factor in social club activities on campus. As members of the individual clubs were drawn together in the spirit of competing, so the clubs were drawn closer together in their common goal of making Harding an excellent school. Participation by all in interclub sports, service projects, scholastic competition, and forensics created pride on the part of each individual in his club and on the part of each club in its school. This year a new area of competition was added, that being in school spirit itself. During the intercollegiate sport season, an Interclub Spirit Trophy was given each week to the club displaying the greatest amount of zeal and support toward the team that week. Harding social clubs were unique in this constructive rather than destructive spirit of competition. MASON BERRYHtLL, initiate of Alpha Omega, pauses while other mouseketeers catch up. GATA'S members Vail Geer and Joyce Howell welcome Judi Bean during club Open House. 222 .fp /' -