SPRINGING high off the Iloor, Gory Gregg attempts to add to Chi Sig's point total. HUDDLING together before a club intramural softball game, the Galaxy team concentrates on winning their contest enabling them to move upward in the tournament for the championship. INTRAMURALS Individual skill and club rivalry spark contests Harding's intramural program is composed of four categor ies of competiti on: indi vidual. team, class. and club contests. Tropllies are presented to the winning students or teams in each event. Tn all team sports, all-stars are selected by the participant s. Each spring an outstanding intramural at hl ete award is given to the individual displaying Ihe finest athletic abilily and sportmanship during the intramural program. The 1970 honor went to senior Mike Pruitt. The sports act ivit ies are varied with 35 events available for entry by st udents. Approximately 75 per cent of all students enrolled at Harding participate in the sports system. Director of the men's p~ase of intramurals is Cec il Beck, whil e Barbara Barnes oversees the women's program. Their credilable leadership demonstrates the reason for Harding's intramural program being one of the nation's most highly acclaimed systems. POWERFULLY swinging a softball bot, Dennie Reeve endeavors to add to his club's score. 216