TENNIS Bisons capture each division in Ale tourney For the second straight year the Bison tennis team captured every division in the AlC tournament. The netmen dominated the competition with a perfect total score. Compiling a season record of sixteen wins and four losses, the squad lost only to such teams as Bradley, Memphis State, and Arkansas State. Seniors Freddie Marsh and Dean Bawcom faced each other in the AlC final, and Marsh successfully defended his singles title of 1969. Winners in the six divisions were: Marsh, Bawcom, Lynn Dixon, Ray Kelly, Glen Blue, and Bo Broc'<man. The Marsh-Dixon duo snared the AlC doubles title. In the NAIA national tourney Harding' s four top players were defeated in the third round. The doubles team of Bawcom and Kelly were victorious in three matches before they were defeated in the fourth round. • ' . ..,. • t .. , • • ... - , .. • , • • ~ + . , , • • "' • , • . . • TRANSPARENTLY disquised behind the fence·like effect of the net, junior colle!=je 80 Brockman vigoro~sly strains in an endeavor to return his opponent's short tennis 1971 TENNIS TEAM. FRONT ROW: David Staggs, Vernon Bates, Rick Adkins, Bill Robertson. BACK ROW: Jim Railey, Cordell Battles, Ron Parker, Mike Sadler, Larry tensen . 214