the pole vaul t bar seems to present no di ff icul ty to junior Jer ry Evons, as he body ove r the standard w ithout contact enab ling hi s vau lt not to be disqualified . SPRINGtNG from the blocks, 440-yard dash trackman Rick Har ris begins another race. 1970 RESULTS Teams Arkan sas AM&N Southe rn St a te Sta te College Arkansas Tech Ouachita Harding Arkan sa s A&M Arkansas Tech Harding Ouachita Arkansas AM&N Southern State State College Arkansas Tech Harding Southern State State College Harding Southern State Harding Harding Arkansas A&M Hendrix Southern State State Colleg e Arka nsas Tech Ouachita Harding Arkansas A&M Hend rix Henderson State Score 96 47'/, 33 'I, 27 26 22 92'/, 84 '/, 61 35 92 63 44 40 29 72 71 36 114 20 71 71 37 70 66 38 34 33 21 17 9 STRETCH ING his leqs over the barrier, Charles Kiser runs the 120-yard hu rdles. 213