1971 GOlf TEAM. FRONT ROW: ' j Harrington, Charlie Dye, Richard Fowler, John McGuire, Coach Merritt. SECOND ROW: l arry Frank, Jimmy Henderson, Greg Pauley, Roger Elliot, Jim Byrd. GOLF Inexperience and stiff competition stifle golf team The 1970 spring golf team was guided by the only return ing letterman, Jimmy Henderson, transfers Charles Anderson and Roger Ell iott from York, senior Larry rank , and freshman Richa rd Fowler. A ifth-place fin ish in the AlC golf tournaent ended a di sappoi nt ing season fo r the olfers. Victories over Arkansas Coll ege, Marion ollege, Southern State, and Henderson ~ate teams during the season were very mpressive. Henderson, a junior from emphis, Tennessee, was the team medalist for the second year in succession. 210 SPURTING sand from the difficult trap at the Searcy Country Club's f irst hole, sophomore golfer Greg Pauley successfully endeavors to drop a chip shot onto the puttinq surfoce.