ALL-STAR Although most sports depend upon team strength, there are always those individual athletes who exceed the achievements of other performers. These athl etes depend not only on ability, but have the des ire to excel and the init ia ti ve to work harder. The Harding College intercollegiate program includes several of these talented men. We honor twel ve of these athl etes and present their varied sports and previous honors awarded them. Freddie Marsh successfull y defended his AIC singles titl e and also was a member of the champion doubles duo. Senior trackman Jim Duncan's achievements include a record AIC shot put toss of 60' 1", two AIC titl es , and a fo urth place fini sh in the NA IA mee t. Freshman Marv Francisco atta ined a 5-1 pi tching record and was awa rded two baseball honors. A 202. 1 pin average was achieved by bowler Charles Burt in capturing the national singles tit le fo r a second time. Diver Roger Shuffield tall ied just over 200 points in optional di vi ng to se t several marks. Six football competitors were honored: tackle Mike Watson, defensive back David Treadwell , Co-captain and defensive end Eugene Johnson, end Ronni e Peacock, who set an AIC record with 62 receptions. All-Ameri can guard Jerry Cook, and freshman ta il back Al an Dixon. who totaled 882 ya rds in 10 games for the Bisons. In cross country John Ratli ff snared the AIC titl e with a ti me of 26: 17 for the 5-mil e course. 198 Marv Francisco Baseba ll AII -AIC AII -NAIA Dis'ric' 17 (19701 Freddie Marsh Tenni s Ale Singles Champion (l970) Charles Bur' Bowling NAIA Singles Champion (1970) Roger Shuffield Swimming AIC Diving Champion (1 971 )