CROSS-COUNTRY Bison teammates finish first and third in Ale Paced by juniors John Ralliff and Tim Geary, the Bison cross-country team caplured first pla.ce in three meets during Ihe fall season of 1970. In a dual meet with Southern Slate, and a Iri-school meel wilh Hendrix and Arkansas A&M, Ralliff and Geary finished first and second respectively. Ratliff. a transfer from York College, had one other first place viclory and two second place Finishes in the Bison meets. In Ihe AIC Cross-Country Championship Meet, Ralliff's first place finish, with a time of 26: 17 for the five-mile course, and a third place finish in 26:49 for Geary led the harriers 10 a fifth place raling. Other Bison point finishers included freshman runner Richard Bellis 32nd, freshman Fred Finke 33rd, and Rick Johnson 37th. PACING his distance running, John Ratliff strides toward another fjrst·place finish. PORTRAYING an exhausting cross-country run, the face of Tim Geary strains with agony. 196