ATTENTIVELY heedinq halftime instructions, Dana Zortman sits "in the dressinq room. RECEIVING directions on the bench from his coach, Charlie Boaz leans nearer to hea r. RESULTS Harding 84 Univ. of Arkansas at Little Rock 86 David Lipscomb 76 David Lipscomb 57 Southern State College 93 Arkansas Tech 58 Arkansas College 67 State College of Arkansas 74 Arkansas A&M 72 Arkansas AM&N 58 Ouachita Baptist University 98 College of the Ozarks 74 Hendrix Colleqe 70 Henderson State Colleqe 67 Southern State Colleqe 76 Arkansas Tech 84 Arkansas Colleqe 91 State College of Arkansas 84 Arkansas A&M 76 Ouach ita Baptist University 101 College of the Ozarks 82 Hendrix College 77 Henderson State Colleqe 84 Univ. of Arkansas at Little Rock 81 Arkansas AM&N Opponent 75 65 80 72 101 66 81 81 81 70 54 79 82 71 88 68 78 89 86 94 75 89 76 104 195