BASKETBALL Lack of height endangers Bison team performance During the 1970-1971 season the Bisons were faced with a shortage of experienced tall players. The tallest man on the squad, sophomore Joe Mathias at 6'6Yz", saw limited action. The brunt of the rebounding and inside work was carried by freshman Freddie Dixon, senior Greg Franz, and junior college transfer Lester Busby, all at 6'5". Busby led all rebounders on the team with an 8.2 average per game, which placed him 13th in the AlC rankings. Ma '( ing up for this lack of height, the sq uad often relied on a running style of game. Contributing to this method of play were guards Jamie Cowley, Charlie Boaz. Bill Chism, and Dana Zartman, who often handled the forward position for the team. DEFENSIVELY pressing an opponent, Bill Chism effectively guards a UAlR dribbler. DRIBBLING to the corner is senior larry Rodenbeck, endeavoring to lose his foe. ARCHING himself toward the qaal, lester Busby tosses a driving shot at the basket. 193