BREAKING through the pa pe r ba rr ier, Co-capt ain Cha rl es Coffey leads the Bison football squad onto the fj eld preced ing the start of the opening game w ith Sou thwestern Coll ege. Harding 0 Mississippi College 24 With quarterbacks Welch and Lewey both injured, the Bisons faced the Choctaws of Mi ss iss ippi College with freshman Roger Coll ins as the man-under. The Choctaws preva iled by scoring in each quarter, while the Bulls were unable to mount a successful drive. Collins, in his first sustained appearance of the season, completed II of 19 passes and rushed for 58 yards. Al an Dixon, freshman tail back, was the game's leading rusher with 93 total yards. Ronnie Peacock continued hi s record-setting pace by grabbing eight aerials for 101 yards. Harding 27 Arkansas A&M 13 Bison homecoming fans at Alumni Field witnessed the most effect ive offensive performance of the yea r aga inst Arkansas A&M. The Bisons' 27- 13 defea t over the Bollweevils from Monti cell o evened Harding's conference standings at I- I. Coach Prock 's Bulls rolled up 305 yards rushing to go with Tommy Lewey' s 140 yards in the ai r. Freshman Al an Dixon from Fitzgerald, Georgia ga ined 159 yards rushing in 31 carri es. Juni or Ronni e Peacock included fi ve recepti ons fo r 107 yards and one touchdown. The fi ve-ya rd pass he caught for a touchdown in the second quarter gave him four for the seasson, a school record. Terry Welch added three extra-poi nt ki cks. 182 AWAITING the snap count from qua rte rback Tom l ewey, cen ter Vance Cox grips the ba l l. SCAMPERING around the right side of the line on an end-around play against Arkansas junior Ronnie Peacock demonstrates he can ru n with the football as well as he can catch