FOOTBALL Bisons redeemed from losing year with SeA • win 1970 FOOTBALL TEAM. FRONT ROW: Robert Shock, Bill Watts, Don Whittemore, Mike Payne, Alec Petway, David Williams. David Lumpkin, John Richardson, Tommy Lewey, Randy Blakeney. SECOND ROW: Clarence Hicks, Charles Caffey, Gary Hunter, Vance Cox, Rodney Echols, Jack Barber, Tom Ed Gooden. Buddy All ison , Gary Gregg, Roger Collins, David Clear, Emerson Brubaker. THIRD ROW: Dean Kilmer, Chris Stewart. Mike Conley, Buddy Malone, Larry Richmond, Ronnie Peacock, Steve Hinds, Rick Brown, Terry Welch, Mike Beatty, Ken Merritt, Jim Akins, Chuck Blanken· ship. FOURTH ROW: Coach Johnson, Neil Thompson, Hurley Crews, Mike Watson , John Manning, Jerry Cook, larry Beck, Rance Reagan, Steve Clary, Ken Beck. Ed Eason, James Pigg, Coach Sharp. FIFTH ROW: Coach Prock, Alan Dixon, David Treadwell, Dale Payne, Terry Brumley, Mike Clem, David Thompson, Tony Felker, John Greer, Bruce King, Eugene Johnson, Coach Mote. split end Ronnie Peacock demonstrates the ability of an excellent receiver be able to snare passes thrown hi s way but to run effectively after the reception. Terry Welch and RO\1er Collins tnap of the boll from Vance Cox . The 1970 Harding Bison football team compiled an overall 5-5 record, including three victories and three losses in ATC competilion. Offensively, the Bisons combined a devastating aerial attack with a solid running Ihreal that often was plagued wilh errors. Led by seven starting seniors, the defensive unit contributed outslanding hard-hitting performances. Named to Ihe AII-AIC squad were end Ronnie Peacock, senior Eugene Johnson, and freshman lailback Alan Dixon. Earning NAIA All-District 17 honors were guard Jerry Cook, lackle Mike Watson defensive back David Treadwell, Peacock: and Johnson. ADDING to his 159 yards rushing, tailback Alan Dixon strains to loose himself free. 181