lOme solid results, Dennie Reeve Wages compute another decision. CONSIDERING the team decisions, advisor Mr. Burks looks over a lot of extra hard work. !WI. FRONT ROW: Waller. Holland. White. SECONO ROW: Cole, Wages, Reeve. BUSINESS TEAM Emory Business team adds first female member Attempting to regain Harding's Emory championship of 1969, the Emory Business Team began the year with a determination to improve the second place received by last year's team. Forty schools eompeted in the games, divided into five different industries. Harding's team marketed golf clubs and tennis rackets, making all normal price and plant decisions . Two decisions a week were made and sent to Emory until twelve were completed, representing three years of work. The finals were held in Atlanta, Georgia in March. Rodney Waller served as team captain and Suzanne Holland became the first Harding woman to participate in the games. The Emory competition was one of the most complex business competitions in the nation. 175