AMERICAN STUDIES New Orleans, St. Louis become tour focal points Meeting twice a month, the Americall Studies program hosted speakers from many different fields. Highlighting one meeting was General Daniel James, the Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, who spoke on unifying America. Later in the year, Jack Evans, president of Southwestern Christian College, spoke to the group concerning the Christian perspective on racism. New Orleans became the center of the American Studies fall tour. On the way, the group stopped at the Civi l War memorials in Vicksburg, MissisSippi . Upon arriving in ew Orleans, the group visited the Holm's Department Store and the Bank of New Orleans. Next the group toured the city, giving special attention to the French Quarter. A visit to the Parrish Prison gave members a look at a diUerent world. Riding on a steamer, the group was permitted to observe the New Orleans harbor, followed by a land tour of the shipyards. On the way home, the group visited the Humhle Oil Refinery in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. St. Louis was the sight of the spring tour. CIVIL WAR testimon iols in V icksburq catch the attention and thouqhts of Harold Davis. 174 CHECKING ou t Toni Matthews