DEPARTMENTAL SMENC writes, performs an opera for student body Offering membership to all music majors and minors, the Student Music Education National Con/erence worked together to write and perform a small opera for the student body. Extra learning opportunities were offered to members throughout the year. A French Christmas party and a trip to New Orleans comprised activities of the French Club. Plans were also initiated for an overseas evangelistic effort by the club for the summer of 1972. Beginning the year with a Psychin party for sociology and psychology majors, the Behavioral Science Club continued activities through the spring with a symposium on community development. With the spotlight on homemaking, the Arkallsas Home Economics Association hosted speakers on such subjects as entertaining, choosing silver, anll flower arrangement. They welcomed new members in a breakfast and prepared fruit and gifts for the nursing home in their "Santa's Workshop." .. Bristow, Darnell, Tan, Cunningham, lindley, Darwin , Curtis. SECOND ROW: Buey, Huffman, Cope, Johnston, Phillips, Holderby, Claar. THIRD ROW: ..... Collins. B1uerstaff, Mahan, Cochran, Paden. FOURTH ROW: Wooton, English. Mooneyham, Thorburn, Cash, CUrry, Robinson. 173