TIONAL HONOR GROUPS Kappa Pi hosts unusual tennis court art sale as an honorary radio group, Beta Sigma acted as a guide to the radio station, KHCA. Many of me:mt>crs held managerial positions in and all of them possessed radio Promoting the journalistic arts, Phi Gamma held its initiation banin the spring. Serving as an honorary Kappa Pi hosted its annual art sale in the spring and the Hamilton Award to an outart student. They also made trips art exhibits throughout the year. bmotin. the field of history, Phi Alpha held its initiation banquet in the Requiring participation in at least drama productions, A lpha Psi Omega extra opportunities to outstanding students. Throughout the year they other college plays and offered Readers Theater to banquets. IOTA BETA SIGMA. FRONT ROW: Estes. SECOND ROW: Francis, Michaels. THIRD ROW: Smith. Eubanks (spanIOl) THIRD ROW: Reagan, Murrie. PHI GAMMA. FRONT ROW: Bradshaw, B. PlYor, Jones, Ganus, Mclnteer, Hall. SECOND ROW: Green. Cole. 1. PlYor, Muncy, Stewart. THIRD ROW: Cope, McCown, Mo- , Crouch, Burks.